vendredi 25 décembre 2009

Salmoura: Brine saumure

Depois de um peru de natal repousado em salmoura (algum erro o deixou salgado) , aqui esta o método descrito:

e abaixo a descricao de uma salmoura que nao é so agua e sal...

A salmoura é uma das maneiras de conservar alimentos entre as mais antigas e as mais universais. O sal, o açúcar e as especiarias curam peixes e carnes, além de lhes conferir um sabor e uma maciez únicos. Em França, de vez em quando, costumava comprar lombo de porco em salmoura já pronto pois não imaginava que fosse tão simples cura-lo em casa.

Secrets of Success:
The brine. The brine infuses flavor into pork, chicken, and turkey and makes the meat tender and succulent.

To test how well the brine worked, I cooked two chickens side by side. One had been soaked in the brine for 24 hours, the other was simply roasted. Both cavities were filled with Italian parsley, preserved lemons, and onions, and cooked in a 400-degree oven.

The difference was remarkable. While the regular roasted chicken had a deeper, richer skin color, the brined chicken was plump and juicy, albeit a little anemic in color. But the flavor was amazing and it was the moistest chicken I can ever remember eating. The next day I warmed the leftovers and the regular chicken was even drier and had that typical day-old taste, but the brined chicken still tasted moist and fresh.

To achieve the browned skin you'll have to leave the chicken in the oven a little longer, but the meat will still be moist.

2-1/2 gallons cold water
2 cups salt
1 cup sugar
2 bay leaves, torn into pieces
1 bunch fresh thyme, or 4 tablespoons dried
1 whole head of garlic, peeled
5 whole allspice berries, crushed
4 juniper berries, crushed

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